Need Help?
IATA drives industry changes in baggage through different projects and programs. Closely tied to our program of work, at IATA we develop and maintain standards for the handling of baggage and baggage messaging. Also we work on driving innovation in baggage.
- Are you a traveler needing information on how to prepare you baggage for air travel?
> See our pages dedicated to traveler questions
- Are you using a personal Bluetooth tracker to monitor your checked baggage in real-time?
- Are you aware of challenges and opportunities associated with those Bluetooth trackers?
- Read more in IATA’s white paper and understand the industry call for collaboration.
Download the Baggage Bluetooth Tracker White Paper
Please fill in the details below to download the report:
Need Help?
Baggage Working Group 51
- 23-26 September, 2024 - Madrid, Spain
Baggage Working Group 52
- 24-27 February, 2025 - Geneva, Switzerland
Please contact for more information.
Resources for air transport industry stakeholders
Baggage Tracking
IATA Resolution 753 on baggage tracking enables airlines to address the challenge of baggage mishandling by implementing cross-industry tracking for every baggage journey.
> More on Baggage Tracking
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for baggage tracking provides the data that allows airlines to efficiently track the bag through all airport processes.
> More on RFID
Modern Baggage Messaging
The Baggage XML project is working towards a sustainable standard for messaging in the area of baggage.
> More on Modern Baggage Messaging
IATA provides different types of consultancy, from big airport development projects with the IATA team to ad hoc consultancy delivered by the baggage subject matter experts.
If you are interested in knowing more about our consultancy possibilities, please contact us at
- Baggage Tracking Implementation Guide
- Electronic Bag Tag Implementation Guide - Issue 1 (EBT)
- Baggage Reference Manual (BRM)
- Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual (PSCRM) - see all baggage standards in PSCRM
Other Baggage resources
- Baggage ID Chart: a set of codes to represent baggage by color and type. Purchase the Baggage ID Chart
- Lost and Found Property Items Chart: this chart identifies belongings that passengers frequently lose as carry on items to speed up the repatriation of the item back to the client. Purchase Lost and Found property chart.
Baggage training courses
- Baggage Handling Services and Systems: learn to recognize baggage handling problems at the source and enhance your service efficiency by incorporating improved processes, infrastructure, and service management in your organization. Analyze the various airline service models and how to apply them to check-in, ramp and baggage claim procedures.
> Baggage Handling Services Training - Baggage Claims and Proration: learn baggage pro-rate from the moment of payment of passenger claim until the agreement is made and the settlement of pro-rate amounts between respective carriers takes place.
> Baggage Claim Proration Training - Baggage Tracking: based on the requirements of IATA Resolution 753, explore the different options to track baggage, and how tracking data could be exchanged with other parties; who would record tracking data; when it would be exchanged; and the technologies that could be used for this exchange.
> Baggage Tracking Training